Thursday, September 3, 2009

Elation and Letdown; The Hundred Year Sleep

So a few days ago I sat down to start conceptualizing the album as a whole entity. My previous thought had been to make it a concept album. Then I thought, am I doing this because I have a legitimate idea for a concept or because i think it will be cool? I soon realized the latter to be true. So what sprang from that ill notion was to simplify it to less of a concept and more of a broader idea. When I started toying with this idea of cutting the straight forward narrative and using broader strokes I started to see it forming for what it really was, me.

Not the me that I am on a daily basis, but the me that isn't tangible. Not so much the way I see myself or even the way I would desire to be perceived either. Something more than that, it was the way I had felt as of late. The presence of Christ in my life, the call to do something, something more than I have ever done prior to this year.

I sat down and collected all the notes and ideas I had scribbled down over the last year. Ripped off corners of newspaper and receipts, napkins from restaurants and legal paper with coffee stains, all barely legible. I sifted through the mess and began to see an outpouring of months and months of thought and inspiration. They started piecing together and complimenting one another. Colors met with words and formed an image with the sound. History and stories became players to a theme, notes and rhythms just seemed like different shades to an already vibrant hue and all the worry and trepidation took a backseat to the joy I felt.

There is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done to make this a reality, and even more labor after the fact. But I am glad that I have the opportunity to try, even the opportunity to fail. If this is what I am supposed to do than there seems to me only two options. Give it my all, or don't even begin to try. Every once in awhile you find that there is no middle of the road, no half effort.

To all of you who have encouraged us in this endeavor, thank you. We will always need your prayers. We will always welcome your feedback and promptings.

Below is a first pass at the structure of the album, if you are familiar with any of the rough recordings on our youtube page then you can kind of mentally rearrange them to this.

1Pathalogical Euphoria (Narration)
21929 (The grand dejection)
3Sleep Apnea or (The transient cessation of respiration)
41949 (Vittles for Berlin)
5Home or (The truancy of spine)
61969 (Away from noise)
7The Rapid Eye Movement or (Phantoms along the Coast)
81979 ()
9Resolved to Dissolve (A Resolute dismanteling of all things known)
101985-1999 (We slip into slumber)
11The Problme with Pain (A dog to his Vomit)
122009 (We awake to nothing)
13Peering into the clockwork (Hearing your own breath)
142009- (Narration)
15An Empty Page at the end of a book (we are left alone with your voice and we are happy)

We will keep you guys posted.
